
关于“干细胞循环”理论在中医基础研究中应用前景的思考 被引量:21

Effect of Study the Theory of Bone Marrow Stem Cells Recycle to the Application of Clinic and Foundation
摘要 本文分析近年来利用"干细胞循环"理论在临床和基础研究等方面取得的成绩和不足,指出通过探讨中医药对干细胞动员、分化、迁移和存活规律与机制的研究,有望为中医药在该领域深层次研究开辟新的思路,促进中医药理论的创新。 The paper,in recent years,domestic and international stem cell research based on the results,of"stem cell cycle"of the mobilization of a homing a divided section of the mechanism,analysis of use of"stem cell cycle"theory in clinical and basic research achievements and shortcomings,that Although Chinese medicine to mobilize bone marrow stem cell research has just begun,but through the study of Traditional Chinese Medicine for stem cell mobilization,differentiation,migration and survival of law and mechanism,is expected to Chinese medicine in the field of deep-level research opened up new ideas,to promote Chinese medicine theory innovation.
作者 张金生
出处 《中国实验方剂学杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第2期263-264,266,共3页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Traditional Medical Formulae
基金 河南省科技创新人才计划-科技创新杰出青年项目:动员骨髓干细胞"归巢"对梗死脑组织再生和修复作用及活血化瘀方药的干预机制 中国博士后基金(20070410129)
关键词 干细胞循环 动员 归巢 分化 理论研究 Stem cell cycling mobilization homing differentiation theory research
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