文章通过控制水分活度和添加抗氧化剂来提高鸭肝调味酱的贮藏稳定性。结果表明:添加0.4%的复合磷酸盐,采用95℃30 min的低温蒸煮杀菌工艺可稳定鸭肝调味酱的水分活度为0.75,控制了微生物的生长,延长了产品贮藏期;添加0.01%TBHQ+0.01%BHA复合抗氧化剂的鸭肝调味酱在常温下贮藏12个月后,抗氧化效果显著提高,其过氧化值比空白组低95%,比TBHQ组低31%,且产品风味良好,无哈败味。
In this paper,the storage stability of duck liver paste was studied through controlling water activity and adding antioxidants.The results showed that the Aw level impacted the microbial growth.When Aw〉0.8,microorganisms reproduced easily,addition of 0.4% compound phosphates and low-temperature retortable sterilization with 95 ℃ for 30 min could keep the Aw of duck liver paste at 0.75,to extend its storage period.After 12 months storage at room temperature,the peroxide value of the product with 0.01% TBHQ and 0.01% BHA used in combination reduced about 31% and 95% compared to that of single TBHQ group and blank group,and the product showed better oxidation effect and good flavor.
China Condiment