
从翻译能力到译者素养:翻译教学的目标转向 被引量:204

Redefining the Goal of Translator Education:A Shift from Translation Competence to Literacy Development
摘要 本文首先梳理翻译能力研究的主要成果,在反思、统合翻译能力自然观、要素观、最简观和认知观的基础上,以译者能力这一概念为切入点探讨翻译教育的目标内涵,提出了以高阶思维能力为核心的译者能力动态观和译者素养观。本文认为,译者素养是译者素质和译者能力综合发展的结果,主要表现为译者根据翻译情境和目的建构翻译的自主性、灵活性和创造性,是译者形成专家能力和可持续发展能力的标志,译者素养应是翻译人才培养的终极目标指向。 Building on the naturalistic,multi-componential,minimalist and cognitive views of translation competence,this paper proposes a competence-oriented conceptual framework for redefining the substance and goal of translator education.Within this new framework,translator competence is re-defined in terms of a set of thinking processes whereby the SL textual world is mapped through an interface of interaction between the translator's internal knowledge structures and the external environment.Such cognitive processes are knowledge-driven and socially situated,and they tend to intensify from the initial to the target state.The paper argues that the acquisition of translator competence is an incremental process of intellectual growth.Since regular exposure to authentic translation task situations is most effective in enabling the learner to command an increasingly sophisticated mode of thinking,practice-centered literacy development should be given top priority.
作者 李瑞林
机构地区 西安外国语大学
出处 《中国翻译》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期46-51,93,共6页 Chinese Translators Journal
关键词 翻译能力 译者能力 高阶思维 译者素养 translation competence translator competence high-order thinking literacy development
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