
学习科学视角下的项目翻译学习模式研究 被引量:15

Project-based Translation Learning within the Framework of Learning Sciences
摘要 基于过程研究的相关成果,本文认为,翻译是以知识为内涵、以语言为中介、以认知为途径、以真理为导向、以交际为目标的动态社会心理过程。在此基础上,结合学习科学"积极建构"、"情境学习"、"社会交互"、"认知工具"等核心观点,提出翻译教学应与当代翻译活动的现实过程保持一定的镜像关系,营造独立思考、协作共享、自由探索的学习环境,强化学习者的问题求解和知识迁移能力。全文以此为框架,从理论基础、目标倾向、实现条件、操作程序、效果评价五个维度出发,阐释项目翻译学习模式的设计思路、特征以及构型,以此作为翻译学习模式创新的佐证。 Based on the findings of process research and translation pedagogy, this paper first proposes a process-oriented approach to translator education which emphasizes the acquisition of problem-solving expertise. Then, it moves on to explore the possibility of building a project-based model of translation learning, which situates the learners in the authentic world of translation practice. The present study draws on the notions of the Learning Sciences such as active construction, situated learning, social interaction and cognitive tools to sustain the design and implementation of project-based learning in the classroom climate. The model is intended to produce facilitating effects on the learners' development of translational literacy, and lead them towards deep understanding and effective learning.
作者 李瑞林 贺莺
出处 《外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期94-98,共5页 Foreign Language Education
基金 国家级应用型翻译人才培养模式创新实验区项目 国家级特色专业建设项目(编号:TS1Z319)阶段性研究成果之一
关键词 学习科学 项目翻译学习 深度学习 知识迁移 Learning Sciences project-based translation learning deep learning knowledge transfer
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