
知觉和概念信息对3岁儿童归纳推理的影响 被引量:3

The Influence of Induction in 3-year-olds
摘要 采用经典的三角归纳范式(Gelman & Markman,1986)研究了3岁儿童的归纳推理及其影响因素。采用龙长权、路晓英、李红和范籍丹(2008)的研究中相同的实验材料和程序,测试了3岁儿童的归纳,结果表明3岁儿童基于知觉相似和基于概念类别之间的差异不显著(实验一)。增加了与靶刺激在知觉上不相似且不属于同一类别的分心刺激之后,3岁儿童能够忽略分心刺激,表明3岁儿童不是在随机猜测(实验二)。分类实验表明3岁儿童能够根据概念关系对实验材料中的项目进行分类,表明3岁儿童具有关于实验项目的概念知识(实验三)。提高概念比较刺激与靶刺激的知觉相似程度,降低知觉比较刺激和概念比较刺激与靶刺激在知觉相似上的冲突程度之后,3岁儿童基于知觉相似和基于概念类别选择之间的差异仍不显著,表明抑制控制不是导致儿童在实验一中表现出基于知觉相似和基于概念类别之间差异不显著的原因(实验四)。降低概念比较刺激与靶刺激之间的类别等级结构,使概念比较刺激与靶刺激属于相同的基本水平类别时,3岁儿童能够主要基于概念类别进行归纳(实验五)。增加经典三角测试的前提的数量,3岁儿童也能主要基于概念类别进行归纳(实验六)。这些研究表明,3岁儿童在一定条件下能够基于概念类别进行归纳,多个因素能够影响3岁儿童在三角测试中的表现。 Gelman and Markman (1986) found 4-years old children could make knowledge-based induction in a triad oddity method. Long et al. (2006) found that 3-year-olds could not mainly make knowledge-based induction in similar triad oddity method. Using similar method in Long et al' s study, the data showed that it had no significant differences between similarity-based induction and knowledge-based induction in 3-year-old ( Experiment 1 ). When a distraction was added in each test, 3-year-olds could ignore the distraction, suggesting that 3-year-olds were not in guess (Experiment 2). In experiment 3, 3-year-olds' knowledge of conceptual categorization on the items used in experiment 1 was tested. The data showed 3-year-olds could make knowledge-based categorization, indicating that the lack of knowledge could not explain why 3-year-olds could not mainly make knowledge-based induction in experiment 1. In experiment 4, when conceptual comparison items were looked like target, 3-year-olds could not also mainly make knowledge-based induction. In experiment 5, when target and conceptual comparison items belong to the same basic-level category, 3-year-olds could infer that target and conceptual comparison item would share the same properties. In experiment 6, two targets were provided. The results showed that 3-year-olds could mainly make knowledge-based induction, although target and comparison items belong to different basic-level categories. These results showed 3-year-olds could make knowledge-based induction in some conditions, which challenged the view that young children could not make conceptual-based induction in early age.
出处 《心理发展与教育》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期25-34,共10页 Psychological Development and Education
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(30370488)的后续工作 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(SWU1009091)
关键词 年幼儿童 归纳推理 三角范式 知觉相似 概念类别 young children induction triad oddity method similarity category
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