
利用嫦娥一号激光高度计数据制作月球DEM的方法研究 被引量:3

Methods to derive lunar DEM from Chang'E-1 laser altimeter data
摘要 本文结合嫦娥一号卫星(CE-1)激光高度计产品数据,研究卫星激光测距数据处理和数字高程模型(DEM)制作的方法。通过滤波实验分析,构造了符合月球地形特征的经验滤波器,并确定了适合LAM数据的滤波窗口大小和地形滤波参数。结合实验结果改进了滤波流程,并对实验区滤波。利用滤波后的数据对八种基本的插值方法进行实验,通过计算插值精度、比较地形晕渲图以及地形剖面细节,评价和比较各方法的插值结果,由此得到结论,克里金插值方法较其他七种方法更适用于月球地形规则格网的生成。最后结合月海和高地两个典型区数据,验证了该套DEM提取方案对不同地形特征区域的适用性。从而,为利用CE-1激光高度计数据开展月球科学研究的科研人员,提供一套行之有效的地形数据处理参考方案。 High-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs) based on data from Laser Altimeter (LAM) of Chinese Chang'E-1 mission provide geospatial characterizations of lunar topography. The primary LAM elevation data are two-dimensional topographic profiles. Developing three-dimensional DEMs from these profile data requires the elimination of gross errors and the interpolation of a continuous surface. To detect and remove the error (pseudo elevation) data from LAM observations the paper suggested an improved linear filter based on empirical formula which adapts the lunar surface feature. And the key parameters for this filter were discussed. In the second part, it tested eight different techniques of spatial interpolation with the filtered data. After comparing and analyzing these interpolation methods by their accuracies, shaded-relief visualizations and topographic profiles, it found the Kriging method worked better than other seven methods in deriving DEM grid. At last, an effective procedure for processing CE-1 elevation data was outlined, and the corresponding parameters were suggested.
出处 《测绘科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期13-16,共4页 Science of Surveying and Mapping
基金 中国科学院国家天文台青年人才基金(O531111002)
关键词 嫦娥一号 激光高度计 滤波 插值 月球DEM CE-1 laser altimeter filtering interpolation lunar DEM
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