
客户信任网络下病毒式营销核心群体的挖掘 被引量:5

Mining the Core Group Based on Customer Trust Network for Viral Marketing
摘要 目前,国内外对利用数据挖掘实现智能化制定病毒式营销策略的研究亟待深入.为了挖掘客户网络中的核心群体,定义了一种基于信任关系的客户信任网络CTN(Customer Trust Network),在此基础上创建了产品信息扩散模型CTNBDPI(CTNBased Diffusion of Product Inform ation),提出了核心群体挖掘算法VMCGM(V iralM arketing Core Group Mining)与连续病毒式营销策略的制定方法.CTNBDPI模型引入客户特征与环境因素解决了孤立点的接受与推荐问题,实验证明可以更好地反映病毒式营销中产品信息扩散的规律,与已有研究相比,VMCGM算法具有较低的时间复杂度和较高的准确性. At present,there is little work being done on choosing the best viral marketing strategy intelligently by using data mining.In order to mining the core group in a customer network,this paper defines a Customer Trust Network(CTN) based on trust statements between customers,builds a CTN Based Diffusion of Product Information(CTNBDPI) model,and then presents a mining algorithm called VMCGM(Viral Marketing Core Group Mining),along with an approach to design sequential marketing actions.The model does research on isolated customers' recommendation behavior by taking their characteristics and environmental factors into account.The experimental results show that the proposed model can better reflect the diffusion of product information in viral marketing,and demonstrates the algorithm has higher accuracy as well as lower time complexity than previous work.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期56-60,共5页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
关键词 病毒式营销 社会网络 客户信任网络 核心群体挖掘 viral marketing social network customer trust network core group mining
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