目的 通过肌电图与姿势反射的相关性研究,探讨肌电图检测前庭功能障碍的意义。方法 将受试大鼠分成四组,A组:正常大鼠9只;B组:前庭功能障碍1周内大鼠12只;C组:前庭功能障碍3 个月大鼠3只;D组:前庭损伤5 个月后功能恢复大鼠6 只。记录单侧前庭功能障碍时大鼠颈项部头夹肌静息状态的肌电活动和眼震电图。结果 正常大鼠两侧头夹肌肌电图振幅相等,为15 μV;单侧前庭功能障碍急性期同侧肌电振幅降低,为2~3 μV,对侧增加到25~35 μV;恢复期同侧肌电振幅逐渐增加,前庭功能完全恢复后两侧肌电振幅恢复相等。结论 重力拮抗肌肌电图可敏感反映前庭功能异常时前庭脊髓反射的姿势反射状况,为航海者提供一个检测前庭功能的指标。
Objective To clarify the significance of EMG examination of vestibular dysfunction by means of a correlated study of EMG change and posture response. Methods The experimental rats were divided into four groups. Group A: 9 normal rats; Group B: 12 rats within 1 week of vestibular dysfunction; Group C: 3 rats with vestibular dysfunction of 3 months; Group D: 6 rats with recovered vestibular function after 5 months of injury. EMG of neck muscle(M splenius) on both sides as well as nystagmogram during the unilateral vestibular dysfunction period were recorded. Results The amplitudes of EMG were equal on both sides(15μV) in group A. During acute unilateral vestibular dysfunction period, the ipsolateral EMG amplitude decreased to 2~3 μV but increased to 25~35μV contralaterally. During period of recovery, the ipsolateral EMG amplitude increased gradually. After 5 months, with complete recovery of vestibular function the EMG amplitudes returned to same on both sides. Conclusions As a valuable index, EMG could be used to examine vestibulospinal reflexes and posture response in vestibular dysfunction state, and it is useful for the examination of vestibular function in seamen.