
西部新建地方本科院校面临的机遇、挑战与路径选择 被引量:6

Opportunities,Challenges and Approach Choices for the Newly-built Local Universities in West China Face
摘要 在高等教育大众化进程中,党和国家的重视、西部大开发战略的实施、地方经济的快速发展、社会日益增强的接受高等教育的需求、自身发展的成果为西部新建地方本科院校带来了良好的发展机遇。同时,国际竞争新形势、国内发展新要求、高等教育行业科学发展、人民群众新期盼、西部新建地方本科院校自身不足又使西部新建地方本科院校面临严峻的挑战。结合地方优势确定学校发展定位,瞄准地方发展做好学科专业设计,依托地方特点凝炼办学特色,立足地方需求培养创新型人才,是当前新建地方本科院校的必然选择。 In the popularization of higher education,the local universities are facing the good development opportunities brought by the combination of factors,i.e.importance attached to the higher education by our party and government,implementation of the west development,rapid development of the local economy,the growing demand for receiving the higher education,and achievements made by the higher education itself.Meanwhile,the newly-built local universities are meeting great challenges as the new international competition,the new requirement of the domestic development,the scientific development in the educational circle,people's expectation and the self limitation of the local universities.Consequently,it is the good choice to orient the university's development with the local advantage,to lay out the subjects with reference to the local development,to stress the university-running features and to train the innovative talents in accordance to the local needs.
出处 《内江师范学院学报》 2011年第1期82-87,共6页 Journal of Neijiang Normal University
关键词 西部 新建本科院校 发展机遇 办学特色 west China newly-built universities opportunities for development university-running features
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