
基于正交投影变换的弱信号波达方向估计 被引量:4

DOA Estimation of Weak Signal Based on Orthogonal Projection Transform
摘要 提出了一种基于强信号阵列流形矩阵的正交投影变换的弱信号波达方向估计算法,该算法通过构造已知强信号阵列流形矩阵的正交投影矩阵,对阵列接收的数据矢量进行预变换,抑制强信号对弱信号波达方向估计的影响。文中算法只需对数据矢量进行正交投影变换,复杂度低,运算量小。将MUSIC算法、JJM算法和文中算法进行了比较,结果表明文中算法在存在多个强信号条件下能够有效估计多个弱信号的波达方向。 A modified DOA estimation algorithm for weak signal in the presence of strong jamming/signal is proposed. The algorithm is based on orthogonal projection transform of the strong signal array. Through the construction of orthogonal projection matrix of strong signal array and the pre-proeessing of received array data vector, the influences of the strong signal to DOA estimation is suppressed. The proposed algorithm has low complexity and small computation compared with MUSIC and JJM algorithms and can effectively estimate DOAs of multiple weak signals in condition of multiple strong signals present.
出处 《现代雷达》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期25-28,50,共5页 Modern Radar
关键词 正交投影变换 波达方向 空间谱 orthogonal projection DOA spatial spectrum
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