目的: 了解胸科医院院内感染疾病发生情况,加强院内感染的控制。方法: 按照国家卫生部制定的《院内感染监测管理规范》实施,对1995 ~1997 年院内感染监测资料进行了统计分析。结果: 本院严格按照《院内感染监测管理规范》要求实施后,院内感染率明显降低(26 % ) 。院内感染疾病以上、下呼吸道感染为主(89 % ) ;结核和呼吸内科前两位为上呼吸道和下呼吸道院内感染,分别为70 % ~704 % 和20 % ~224 % ;外科为上呼吸道和外科手术切口感染,分别为50 % 和324 % ;感染细菌菌株中G- 菌占949 % ,主要菌株为绿脓杆菌(309 % ) 、肺炎克雷白氏菌(125 % ) ,真菌感染菌珠主要为白色念珠菌(457 % ) 、热带念珠菌(175 % ) ,混合两种以上菌株感染占205 % 。结论: 胸科医院应加强呼吸道院内感染的控制,即加强空气消毒工作,外科同时应重视手术切口感染的控制工作,使院内感染率降到最低水平。同时院内感染以抗G- 菌治疗的同时及时根据药敏结果选用敏感药物治疗。
Objective: To find out the prevalance of nosocomial infectious diseases in Henan Chest Hospital,and to strengthen thier control.Methods: We analysed the surveillance datd from 1995 to 1997 on the nosocomical diseases,according to the surveillance program on the nosocomial transmission that the National Health Ministry made.Results: We strictly obey “the implementing suggestion on the nosocomial transmission management regulation of important departments” The nosocomial transmission rate is obviously reduced (2.6%) after its implementing.The major nosocomial infectious diseases are the infections of upper and lower respiratory tract(taking 89%).And their nosocomial infectious rates are 70%~70.4% and 20%~22.4% in the tuberculosis department and the respiratory one,respectively.While the major nosocomial infections diseases are the infections of upper respiratory tract and surgical incision in the surgical department,which are 50% and 32.4%,respectively.The first nosocomial infections bacterial strain is G - positive bacteria (94.9%) .The major nosocomial infections bacterial strains are Pseudomonas aeruginosa(30.9%),Klebsiella pneumoniae (12.5%) .The major mould strains are Monilia albicans(45.7%),Topical abicans(17.5%).Conclusion: We should strengthen the controlling of the nosocomial transmission of respiratory tract in Henan Chest Hospital,it the air sterillzing.And the controlling of the surgical incision infection should be valued in the surgical department at the same time.At the same time,the major antibacteria treatment are G - postive bacteria resistance,and takes antibiotic susceptibility durgs by drug susceptible test.
Henan Medical Research
chest hospital
nosocomical transmission