
基于ANN测量分析法的配网无功补偿电容器的优化布置 被引量:7

Optimization location of power correction capacitor of distribution network based on the ANN measurements and analysis method
摘要 随着感性负载在工业配电系统中不断增加,无功补偿电容器越来越多的投入到配电网中。详细分析了工业配电网中无功补偿电容器谐波产生的机理及其危害。介绍了ANN测量分析法,ANN算法采用ADALINE模型和LMS学习机制,在谐波测量上有精度高、收敛速度快的优点。基于该测量分析法提出了工业配电网无功补偿电容器的优化布置方案。并且在PSCAD仿真平台上搭建了小型工业配电网仿真模型,通过仿真验证了该方案的可行性和经济性。 With continuous increase of inductive load in industrial power distribution systems,more and more power factor correction capacitors are used in distribution network.The mechanism and harm of power factor correction capacitor harmonics in industry distribution network are illustrated in detail. The ANN measurements and analysis method is introduced,which uses ADALINE model and LMS learning mechanism and has high accuracy and fast convergence in harmonic measurement. Based on which,the strategy of reactive compensated capacitors optimization location for industrial distribution system is proposed.More over,a simulation model of a small industry distribution network is set up on the PSCAD platform,and the feasibility and economical efficiency of the proposed strategy are verified by simulation.
作者 王铁松
出处 《电力系统保护与控制》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期61-64,共4页 Power System Protection and Control
关键词 电力电容器 谐波 PSCAD ANN 优化布置 power capacitor harmonic PSCAD ANN optimization location
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