针对热机械式微纳米结构的加工,提出了一种以掺Al多晶硅为材料,集成于微悬臂梁上的加热器。采用Al诱导退火晶化(AIC)方法,在750 K对Al/a-Si∶H复合薄膜低温晶化18 h,制备出掺Al多晶硅。通过低温退火,使复合薄膜的拉曼特征峰由478 cm-1移至520 cm-1,完成由非晶硅向多晶硅的转变;由四探针仪测得室温下样品的电阻率由退火前的1010Ω.cm降至16.8×10-3Ω.cm,实现了多晶硅的Al掺杂;在扫描电镜下观测到退火后Al与a-Si∶H层的界限消失并形成一层均匀的薄膜;这些结果表明得到了晶化程度很高的Al掺杂多晶硅。继而研究了掺Al多晶硅与氮化硅悬臂梁的集成工艺,采用微加工方法将掺Al多晶硅制成微加热器。使用ANSYS软件仿真加热器的工作过程,在10 V,0.3μs脉冲驱动下,加热器升温至782.8 K,降温时间约1μs。仿真分析显示,采用AIC法制得的掺Al多晶硅具有良好的热电特性,符合用于对高分子材料进行热机械微纳加工的微加热器的性能要求。
For thermomechanical fabrication of the micro/nano structure,a micro-heater made of Al doped poly-Si was fabricated.The Al doped poly-Si film was prepared by annealing from Al/a-Si∶H compound film under 750 K for 18 h on a Si3N4 substrate using Aluminium Induced Crystallization(AIC) process,and the characteristics of the transformation caused by annealing were analyzed by Raman scattering spectroscopy,scanning electron microscopy and a resistivity meter.It was shown that the boundary between an Al layer and an a-Si∶H layer disappears after annealing,and a uniform film is formed.After annealing,the Raman spectral peak shifts from 478 cm-1 to 520 cm-1,which means the film surface changes from the a-Si∶H to the highly-crystallized poly-Si.Meanwhile, the resistivity of the film declined is from over 1010Ω·cm to 16.8×10-3 Ω·cm at 300 K for doping of Al atoms.The results indicate that the bilayer film(Al/a-Si∶H) has been changed into a uniform Al doped highly-crystallized ploy-Si film.Furthermore,the integration of the Al doped poly-Si micro-heater and Si3N4 cantilever was also discussed.Simulated by ANSYS,the micro-heater is heated to 782.8 K under a periodic electrical pulse with a voltage of 10 V and duration of 0.3 μs.When the pulse disappears,its temperature cools down to 420 K within 1 μs.The simulation results show that the Al doped poly-Si micro-heater has good thermoelectric properties,and it is well suitable for the thermomechanical micro/nano structure fabrication.
Optics and Precision Engineering