Biology Teaching
1Stark LL, Perkel DJ. 1999. Two - stage, input - specific synaptic maturation in a nucleus essential for vocal production in the Zebra finch. The Journal of Neuroscience, 19(20 ) :9107 - 9116.
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5曾少举,卢凯,华方圆,赵文龙,张信文,左明雪.10种鸣禽控制鸣啭神经核团大小与鸣唱复杂性的相关性[J].动物学报,2005,51(1):68-75. 被引量:8
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7Boettiger CA, Doupe A J. 2001. Developmentally restricted synaptic plasticity in a songbird nucleus required'for song learning. Neuroscience Research, 31 (5) :809 - 818.
8Ding L, Perkel DJ. 2004. Long - term potentiation in an avian basal ganglia nucleus essential for vocal learning. The Journal of Neuroscience ,24 ( 2 ) :488 - 494.
9Mello CV,Ribeiro S. 1998. Zenk protein regulation by song in the brain of songbirds. The Journal of Comparative Neurology ,393 (4) : 426 - 438.
10刘晓琳,李东风.NMDA受体与鸣禽鸣唱学习记忆[J].生命科学研究,2007,11(S1):70-74. 被引量:1
1DeVoogd TJ, Krebs JR, Healy SD, Purvis A, 1993. Relations between song repertoire size and the volume of brain nuclei related to song: comparative evolutionary analyses amongst oscine birds. Proc. R.Soc. Lond. B. Biol. Sci. 254 (1 340): 75- 82.
2DeVoogd TJ, Houtman AM, Falls JB, 1995. White-throated sparrow morphs that differ in song production rate also differ in the anatomy of some song-related brain areas. J. Neurobiol. 28 (2): 202 -213.
3DeVoogd TJ, 2000. Greater song complexity is associated with augmented song sysem anatomy in zebra finches. Neuroethology 11 (10): 144-149.
4Doupe AJ, Kuhl PK, 1999. Birdsong and human speech: common themes and mechanisms J. Annu. Rev. Neurosci. 22: 567- 631.
5Fortune, Margolish, 1995. Parallel pathways and convergence onto HVc and adjacent neostriatum of adult zebra finches Taeniopygia Euttata. J. Comp. Neurol. 1 360 (3): 413- 441.
6Gahr M, Sonnenschein E, Wickler W, 1998. Sex difference in the size of the neural song control regions in a dueting songbird with similar song repertoire size of males and females. J. Neurosci. 18 (3) : 1 124-1 131.
7Gentner TQ, Hulse SH, Bentley GE, Ball GF, 2000. Individual vocal recognition and the effect of partial lesions to HVC on discrimination, learning, and categorization of conspecific song in adult songbirds. J. Neurobiol. 42 (1): 117-133.
8Kimpo RR, Theunissen FE, Doupe A.I, 2003. Propagation of correlated activity through multiple stages of a neural circuit. J. Neurosci. 23 (13): 5750-5761.
9Kirn JR, Clower RP, Kroodsma DE, DeVoogd TJ, 1989. Song related brain regions in the red-winged blackbird are affected by sex and season but not repertoire size. J. Neurobiol. 20 (3) : 139- 163.
10Li DF, Zuo MX, Lan SC, Hu J, 1992. Sex differences of vocal control nuclei in the forebrain of .songbirds. Acta Zool. Sin. 38 (3): 298- 301 (In Chinese).
1张学博,黄鑫欣,周荔平,张信文,孙颖郁,曾少举,左明雪.成年画眉前脑新生神经细胞的增殖和定位[J].海南师范学院学报(自然科学版),2005,18(4):357-360. 被引量:2
2张学博,黄鑫欣,孙颖郁,熊朝阳,曾少举,左明雪.画眉和白腰文鸟端脑新生神经细胞的起源和分布[J].北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),2006,42(1):83-86. 被引量:4
3安晓雷,申文,任宝军,邰发道.棕色田鼠和沼泽田鼠脑内部结构性二型的比较研究[J].陕西师范大学学报(自然科学版),2006,34(B03):134-137. 被引量:1
7张颖,尉红季,孙颖郁,左明雪.P物质在正常与致聋白腰文鸟前脑X区表达水平的差异研究[J].北京师范大学学报(自然科学版),2009,45(4):385-388. 被引量:2
9邵明勤,徐宁,吴娟,陈斌.江西省白腰文鸟巢址选择[J].江西师范大学学报(自然科学版),2016,40(5):542-544. 被引量:5
1雷联会.人体铜必需性的生化基础[J].国外医学(医学地理分册),1999,20(1):19-21. 被引量:3
3李恒.关于岩芋属二个种的模式化问题[J].云南植物研究,1991,13(2):113-119. 被引量:1
8张海珠,刘永波,狄建军,张文,赵新华,姚花荣,李红梅.不同生长发育期的虎皮鹦鹉发声行为与发声控制神经核团的研究[J].生物学杂志,2005,22(6):15-16. 被引量:2
9戴华国,孙丽娟.寄主植物对植食性昆虫种下分化和新种形成的影响[J].武夷科学,2002,18(1):243-246. 被引量:5