无线传感器网络是一种能量和计算能力受限的应用相关的网络。汇聚树协议(Collection Tree Protocol,CTP)是TinyOS中一种基于无线传感器网络应用的数据汇聚协议。CTP是一个基于树的汇聚协议,在网络中设置若干汇聚根节点,节点通过与邻居节点交换相互的链路质量估计信息来选择父节点作为下一跳,从而建立起一条可靠的到某一汇聚根节点的路由。
Wireless sensor network is an energy and computing restricted application related network. The collection tree protocol (CTP) is the data collection protocol based on applications of wireless sensor network in TinyOS. CTP is a tree-based collection protocol. Number of nodes in a network advertise themselves as tree roots, and nodes exchange link quality estimation information with neighbors to select the parent node as the next hop in order to establish a reliable route to the root node of a cluster.
Microcontrollers & Embedded Systems