

Analysis of Photoconductivity Spectra of Silicon Thin Film
摘要 利用甚高频等离子体增强化学气相沉积法(VHF-PECVD),通过改变氢稀释比制备出一系列硅薄膜样品。由弱光条件下光电导谱分析了材料的吸收系数及缺陷态密度,结果表明随着氢稀释比的增加,材料的长波响应增大,缺陷态密度(NS)逐渐减小,当大于16.7时,NS开始增加,这是杂质与晶粒间界相互作用的结果。 A series of silicon thin films was prepared by VHF-PECVD technique with varying hydrogen dilution ratios.Absorption coefficients and defect state density of the material films were investigated by photoconductivity spectra under weak light conditions.The response value of the material in long-wavelengh region increases,and defect state density(NS) decreased with hydrogen dilution ratios increasing.But when the hydrogen dilution ratios were more than 16.7,and NS increased,due to the interaction between impurities and grain boundaries.
出处 《光谱实验室》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期282-285,共4页 Chinese Journal of Spectroscopy Laboratory
基金 中国科学院半导体材料科学重点实验室开放基金(KLSMS-0907) 中国地质大学校内基金(200705)
关键词 硅薄膜 光电导谱 缺陷态密度 Silicon Thin Film Photoconductivity Spectra Defect State Density
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