
地质与水文地质条件在场地环境评价中的应用研究 被引量:4

Geological and Hydrogeological Conditions in Environmental Site Assessment Applied Research
摘要 随着中国经济的发展,搬迁企业逐渐增多,搬迁的工业企业遗留场地再次开发利用必须经过场地评价确认能够满足开发利用要求后才能再次利用。而中国的场地评价工作处于起步阶段,由于大多数环境工作者受所学专业限制,在场地环境评价中不能很好地利用地质与水文地质条件进行有效地分析,本文结合项目实例说明了地质与水文地质条件在场地评价中的重要作用,为今后场地环境评价工作的开展起到借鉴作用。 With the developing of the China's economy, the relocation companies are gradually incresing, when the sites of the relocation company left are reused, the environmental site assessment(ESA) must be executed at first, if the result of the ESA indicates the site environment quality meets requirements of the redevelopment and utilization, then the site eoutd be reused. However, the ESA in China is at the initial stage, as the majority of ESA personnel are affected by their specialty, they Can not analyse the eontaInination datum and the distribution under the geological and hydrogeological conditions in the ESA. Project example is used to illustrate the important role of the geological and hydrogeological conditions in the ESA,it could offer certain references for EAS conducted in the future.
出处 《环境科学与管理》 CAS 2011年第1期175-178,共4页 Environmental Science and Management
关键词 场地评价 地质条件 水文地质条件 environmental site assessment geological condition hydrogeologieal condition
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