
我国技术创新活动的集聚效应分析 被引量:17

A Research on the Agglomeration Effect of China's Technological Innovation Activities
摘要 本文使用超越对数生产函数—反要素需求函数分析框架,研究了集聚经济对于我国技术创新活动全要素生产率、单要素生产率、要素价格以及要素需求的影响。结果显示,无论是在全国层面还是在区域层面,集聚经济对于我国技术创新的全要素生产率均有显著的正向作用。同时,集聚经济对于技术创新活动劳动生产率以及资本生产率没有显著影响。在区域层面,集聚经济将降低科技劳动的边际成本,同时提高对于科技劳动的需求。 Utilizing the translog-factor cost share framework, this paper analyzes the effect of agglomeration on total factor productivity, single factor produc- tivity, factor price and factor demand in China's technological innovation activi- ty. Results show that agglomeration economy has significant positive effect on the TFP of China's technological innovation activity, whether on the national level or on the sub - regional level. Moreover, agglomeration economy has fairly no effect on labor productivity and capital productivity in this particular activity. At the same time, agglomeration economy could lower the marginal cost of technological labor while raise the demand of that factor.
出处 《数量经济技术经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期3-18,共16页 Journal of Quantitative & Technological Economics
基金 上海市社科基金项目"产业发展体制和机制研究"(2009XAB011)资助
关键词 集聚经济 技术创新 要素生产率 要素价格 要素需求 Agglomeration Economy~ Technological Innovation Factor Productivity Factor Price Factor Demand
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