
稀土辐射器TPV利用高温余热发电的性能研究 被引量:3

TPV Generation of Electricity by Waste Heat Recovery from High-temperature Gas Using Rare-earth Emitters
摘要 利用热光伏(TPV)系统回收高温废气中的余热,并为余热型TPV系统选择适当的辐射器、滤波器和热光伏电池等组件,采用蒙特卡洛法对TPV系统进行了理论分析,同时对不同形式的TPV系统的工作性能进行了试验研究.结果表明:稀土辐射器的光谱选择性能和TCO滤波器的光谱过滤功能可使系统热电转换效率大幅度提高,但同时对系统的输出功率产生不利影响,尤其是TCO滤波器使系统的输出功率降幅较大;与太阳能光伏发电相比,余热TPV系统的发电成本较低,具有较好的经济性. Using Monte Carlo method,theoretical analysis was performed to a thermophotovoltaic(TPV) system furnished with appropriate emitter,filter and photocell,which was able to recover waste heat from high-temperature exhaust gas,while working performance of various TPV systems studied.Results show that the rare-earth emitter and TCO filter greatly increase the thermoelectric conversion efficiency of the system,but decrease its output power density,especially the TCO filter play an obvious negative role in this aspect.Compared with a solar photovoltaic system,the TPV system has a lower generation cost,and therefore may result in higher economical effects.
出处 《动力工程学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期64-68,共5页 Journal of Chinese Society of Power Engineering
关键词 余热发电 热光伏 稀土辐射器 滤波器 经济性 waste heat power generation TPV rare-earth emitter filter economy
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