用硫代巴比妥酸反应分析了博莱霉素 A5 ( B L M A5 )对 D N A 的断裂作用在 Fe2+ 和 O2存在下, B L M A5能导致 D N A 链断裂研究了一些因素对 B L M A5 催化 D N A 断链反应的影响,设计并建立了 B L M A5 切割 D N A 反应的定量测定方法,并测得 Km 约为153 μm ol· L- 1, Vm ax 约为0046 A532nm Unit·s- 1
Cleavage action of DNA by bleomycin A 5(BLMA 5) was determined by thiobarbituric acid reaction. Breaks of DNA could be induced by BLMA 5 in the presence of Fe 2+ and O 2. Some effect factors of DNA degradation by BLMA 5 were studied. The quantitative determination method of DNA degradation by bleomycin were designed and established, and K m is 153 μmol·L -1 and V max is 0 046 A 532nm Unit·s -1 .
Journal of Wuhan University(Natural Science Edition)