概述了生物物理学的现状和发展趋势 生物物理学是物理学与生物学的交叉学科,近十多年来发展很快,它在未来生物学发展中的重要性在迅速上升 新近美国不少著名大学纷纷成立物理学与生物学交叉学科研究院以及 Nature 杂志1999 年第一,二期接连对此所作的显要报道和评论。
Biophysics,an interdiscipline of physics and biology,has been in a fast track of progress in the recent years.Its role in the future progress of biology is increasing.Recently,the setting up of interdisciplanary institutes in a number of well known universities in US that bridges both physics and biology has made the headline in Nature magazine.In this article we provide a brief review on the current status and the tendency of future development of biophysics.
Journal of Wuhan University(Natural Science Edition)