
机器视觉技术在香菇品质分级中的应用 被引量:3

The Application of Machine Vision in the Grading of Mushrooms
摘要 针对香菇加工行业亟待解决的分级问题,阐明了实现香菇分级自动化的重要意义,概述了国内外机器视觉技术在食用菌品质检测、分选、自动收获等方面的研究进展,最后对机器视觉技术在香菇分级中的发展进行了展望。 The grading problem was solved in the mushroom processing industry,and the significance of the automatic grading of mushrooms were clarified.While the progress of machine vision in quality inspection,grading,automatic gaining of mushrooms at home and abroad were summarized.The prospection of machine vision in the grading of mushrooms was also included.
出处 《中国食用菌》 北大核心 2011年第1期8-9,13,共3页 Edible Fungi of China
基金 国家现代农业产业技术体系课题组之子课题"食用菌标准化安全生产技术体系建设与规范"(2008BBC012)
关键词 香菇 机器视觉 自动分级 Mushroom Machine vision Grading
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