
流化床系统燃烧超低浓度煤层气的分析 被引量:1

Analysis on Combustion of Ultra-low Concentration Coal-bed Methane in Fluidized Bed System
摘要 介绍了超低浓度煤层气在流化床系统中的燃烧,分析了系统维持运行的甲烷最小体积分数,以及排烟温度、甲烷体积分数对盈余热量的影响,举例进行技术经济分析。随着排烟温度的增加,维持运行的甲烷最小体积分数呈线性关系递增;甲烷体积分数对盈余热量影响显著,呈线性递增趋势;在相同甲烷体积分数下,排烟温度越低,盈余热量越多;在相同排烟温度下,甲烷体积分数越高,盈余热量越多。技术经济分析表明该技术可行性好、环境效益显著,结合清洁发展机制可获得较好的经济效益。 The combustion of ultra-low concentration coal-bed methane (UCCM) in fluidized bed system is introduced. The influence of minimum volume fraction of methane maintaining the operation of the system as well as the flue gas temperature and volume fraction of methane on surplus heat is analyzed, and the technical and economic analysis is taken with an example. The minimum volume fraction of methane is linearly increased with increasing of flue gas temperature. The volume fraction of methane has significant effect on surplus heat with linear increasing trend. The lower the flue gas temperature is, the more the surplus heat is produced at the same volume fraction of methane. The higher the volume fraction of methane, the more the surplus heat is produeed at the same flue gas temperature. The technical and economic analysis shows that the technology has good feasibility and obvious environmental benefit. The excellent economic benefit can be achieved through the clean development mechanism.
出处 《煤气与热力》 2011年第1期15-19,共5页 Gas & Heat
基金 重庆市科技攻关重大项目(2008AC2051)
关键词 超低浓度煤层气 流化床 最小体积分数 盈余热量 经济分析 ultra-low concentration coal-bed methane fluidized bed minimum volume frac- tion surplus heat economic analysis
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