
孕产妇创伤处理与复苏 被引量:2

Management and resuscitation of the pregnant trauma patient
摘要 创伤作为威胁孕产妇(或胎儿)的重要意外危险因素已越来越受到重视。在管理中必须把重点放在彻底评价和稳定母亲上,恰当的辅助检查将有助于明确诊断和指导后续治疗。休克者很难维持血流动力学状态稳定,限制性液体复苏、介入性监测措施以及创伤控制性手术为有效复苏提供了帮助。产科医生必须动态评估孕妇病情,决定分娩方式和时机。以ICU为平台,产科医生积极参与,多学科相互配合才能有效保障孕产妇创伤救治的成功率。 Trauma as a threat to pregnant women (or fetus) is an important risk factor for accidents, which has been more and more attention. Management of trauma in pregnant women should be focus on a thorough evaluation and stability of mother. The appropriate auxiliary examination will be help to confirm the diagnosis and guide subsequent therapy. Hemodynamic of shock in pregnant women is difficult to maintain stability. Limited resuscitation, invasive monitoring, and damage control operation has provided assistance for the effective recovery. Obstetrician must be dynamic assessment condition and decide on the mode or time of delivery. The treatment based on ICU, obstetrician intervention timely and multidisciplinary complement each other should increase the success rate of maternal trauma cares.
作者 徐昉 漆洪波
出处 《中国实用妇科与产科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期115-118,共4页 Chinese Journal of Practical Gynecology and Obstetrics
关键词 孕产妇 创伤 复苏 pregnant women trauma resuscitation
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