目的探讨山莨菪碱对内毒素刺激的人脐静脉内皮细胞内皮素分泌的影响。方法应用体外培养法及放免测定法,观察内毒素对人脐静脉内皮细胞分泌ET的影响及山莨菪碱(654-2)对内毒素刺激的ET合成的影响。结果(1)与对照组比较,内毒素在1~20μg/ml时能刺激ET释放,10μg/ml时达高峰,20μg/ml时反而有所下降。(2) 10μg/ml内毒素作用于人脐静脉内皮细胞 6h内增加不明显(P>0. 05),在 10h、20h及 30h时明显增加(P均<0.001)。(3) 0.02mg/ml山莨菪碱对内毒素(10μg/ml)刺激ET升高抑制不明显(P>0.05),而0.1mg/ml及0.5mg/ml时抑制明显(P均<0.001)。(4)与对照组比较,山茛菪碱(0.5mg/ml)对 10μg/ml内毒素刺激的 ET释放在 6h内抑制不明显(P>0. 05),而在10h、20h及30h时抑制明显(P分别<0.05、<0.001和<0.001)。结论内毒素能刺激人脐静脉内皮细胞ET的释放,这种刺激作用呈时间及剂量相关性变化,山莨菪碱能抑制内毒素刺激的ET的升高,其机制有待进一步研究。
Objective To investigate the action of anisodamine on ET synthesis of human umbilical vein endothelial cells stimulated by endotoxin. Methods Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) were isolated and cultured,the effect of endotoxin on the ET synthesis of HUVEC,and the possible action of anisodamine were observed with RIA.Results (1) The effect of endotoxin on ET release from HUVEC was significant between the different concertrations of 1μg/ml--20μg/ml,as compared with the control.The maximum stimulation for ET release was obtained with 10μg/ml endotoxin, there was a slight reduction of ET release at the concentration of 20μg/ml,(2) The effect of endotoxin on ET release from HUVEC in different incubation time showed no significant increase in 6hrs,but significant in 10hrs, 20hrs and 30hrs as compared with that of the control. (3) The effect of anisodamine of different concentrations on HUVEC ET release stimulated by 10μg/ml endotoxin revealed that the depression of ET release wasn't significant at 0. 02mg/ml anisodamine (P>0.05),but was significant at 0. 1mg/ml and 0'.5mg/ml (P<0.001). (4) In different incubation time the effect of 0.5mg/ml anisodamine on HUVEC ET release stimulated by 10μg/ml endotoxin showed the depression of ET wasn't significant in 6hrs,but was significant in 10hrs.20hrs and 30hrs. Conclusion Endotoxin can stimulate HUVEC to release ET,the effect is dependent on time and dose.Anisodamine can influence ET release in HUVEC,its mechanism needs to be further investigated.
Journal of Chinese Microcirculation