
ISO9000认证对我国医药行业绩效影响的实证分析 被引量:1

An Empirical Analysis of ISO9000 to Affect the Performance on Chinese Pharmaceutical Industry
摘要 文章采用因子分析的方法分析了我国通过ISO9000认证的24家上市制药企业认证前后3年的经营绩效变化,发现ISO9000认证在短期内能提高我国医药行业的综合经营绩效,但从长期来看,这种提升效果并未能持续。 To analyze the affect of ISO 9000 certification to the Chinese pharmaceutical industry, Factor Analysis is used to evaluate the performance of 24 listed pharmaceutical enterprises which passed ISO 9000 certification ever. The results shows that ISO 9000 certification can improve the performance of Chinese pharmaceutical industry in short term, but in long term the improvement can't be sustained.
作者 涂奇军 卞鹰
出处 《改革与战略》 北大核心 2011年第1期130-132,共3页 Reformation & Strategy
关键词 因子分析 ISO9000 医药行业 factor analysis ISO9000 pharmaceutical industry
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