目的 通过分析邹城市改水工程运转中遇到的问题,为巩固地氟病防治工作成果,延长改水工程的使用寿命提供参考意见和改进措施。方法 采用调查点的历史资料及1998年度改水工程专项调查资料,共调查76个村。结果 74个改水工程中,21个不能正常运转,其中9个工程已超过使用年限报废停用,6个工程可以修复,6个工程可通过加强管理等措施重新使用。工程的重建率不高。8种影响因素中,以工程受损和供电不正常为主,管理因素的影响为其次。结论 加强村组织建设、健全制度、做好工程的监测与维护、解决停电问题是目前的当务之急。另外,通过社会保险方式试行用于工程维护、重建的专项储备资金是长远之计。
Objective From analysising the problem s in using the low ered fluoride w atersupplies installation,the subject gives us reference of ideas and steps for strengthening the resultsof preventing endem ic area of fluorosis and longering the using life of the w ater supplies installa┐tion. M ethods Historical data of the area and the specialinvestigating theses of the w ater suppliesinstallation in 1998 w ere used,76 villages w ere visited. Results There w ere 21 unused in 74 in stallations. In 21 installations, there w ere 9 over using life scrapped and 6 being repaired and 6needed strengthening m anagem ent for use. The ratio of engineering rebuilt w as low . The m ain fac tors w ere engineering destroied and pow er supply abnorm al. The next w ere m anagem ent factors. Conclusions The m ost necessary w ork is to finish such things as strengthening the village m an agem ent organization,the m anagem ent system , the supervision and m easurem ent and repair,thenorm al pow er supply for the present. Otherw ise,it's agelong w ay that save special stored fund forrepairing and rebuilding engineering through trying on social insurance.[
Chinese Jouranl of Endemiology
The low ered fluoride w ater supplies installation
Endem ic fluorosis
Fluoride inw ater