
中国特色之工业化与中国经验 被引量:9

State Industrialization with Chinese Characteristics and China's Experience
摘要 经典的发展理论有一个共同的假设前提,即"消费者的消费节余形成国民储蓄S,再转化为生产者的投资I(即S=I)",按照"历史起点与逻辑起点统一"的原则,这一假设前提在后发国家的工业化进程中难以得到证明,因为任何工业化都不可能逾越资本原始积累阶段。而中国特色的发展经验之核心在于:中国在面临工业化启动期资本稀缺的制约而遭遇发展陷阱之际,为化解外部投资稀缺程度为负值的危困局面,能以国家有效动员的高度组织化来打造以大规模集中劳动弥补资本稀缺的制度基础。由此可以得出结论:不同的原始积累方式内生性地决定不同的制度类型,并且导致其后制度变迁的路径依赖。 All classical development economic theories share a common assumption that could be formulated as"S=I",which presumes that consumer surplus is the origin of national savings(S) and that when S is turned into producer investment(I),national economy grows.However,in the historical process the primitive capital accumulation of developed countries wasn't accomplished just through domestic amassment.It means that the assumption of S=I doesn't apply with the scientific principle of "the origin of history as the origin of logic".Because any industrialization cannot be accomplished without the primitive accumulation of capital,how to carry out the capital accumulation is a great challenge for underdeveloped countries.What is peculiar in China's primitive accumulation of capital is that when encountered a sudden scarcity of capital,she managed to mobilize a highly organized society effectively and to build up an institution based on the intensive labor substitution of capital.Therefore,China was able to get out of the crisis,and finally succeeded in accomplishing the primitive accumulation of capital.It is the specific nature of China's experience.We thus argue for an institutional derivation that different institutions come from different primitive accumulation of capital,and the original institution will provide path dependence for the institutional change afterwards.
出处 《中国人民大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第1期28-36,共9页 Journal of Renmin University of China
基金 国家社会科学基金重大项目“完善社会管理与维护社会稳定机制研究--农村对抗性冲突的原因及其化解机制研究”(07ZD&048) 教育部应急课题(2009JKJR023) 北京地区普通高等学校首都经济学科群建设项目(2010-2012) 中国人民大学“985”三期项目“中国农村发展哲学社会科学创新基地”
关键词 中国经验 原始积累 劳动替代 制度比较 China's experience primitive accumulation labor substitution institutional comparative study
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