1Vease Pedro Gomez de la Serna,D. Justiniani Institutionum I.ibri IV, Tomo II, Libreria de Sanchez, Madrid, 1856.
2Jill Harries,Law and Crime in the Roman World, Cambridge, University Press, 2007.
3Cfr. A. Burdese, Manuale di Diritto Pubblico Romano, UTET,Torino, 1975, pp. 255s.
4Cfr. Mario Talamanca(sotto la direzione di), Lineamenti di Storia del Diritto Romano,Giuffre, Milano, 1989, p. 456.
5Jill Harries,Law and Crime in the Roman World, Cambridge,University Press, 2007.
7Patrick Cumin, Manual of Civil Law or Examination in the Institutes of Justinian , London, 1854 ,p. 388.
8Stephanie Lysyk, Purple Prose: Writing, Rhetoric and Property in the Justinian Corpus,In 10 Cardozo Stud. L. & Lit. 33.
9Paul Brooks Duff, Who Rides the Beasts? : Prophetic Rivalry and the Rhetoric of Crisis in the Churches of the Apocalypse, Oxford University Press,Oxford, New York, 2001, pp. 18ss.
10O. F. Robinson, Review: Humiliores and Honestiores, In The Classical Review, New Series, Vol. 42, No. 2 ( 1992), p. 349.