为探讨婴幼儿急性肠套叠结肠注气整复失败的原因,对我院经结肠注气整复失败而手术治疗的急性婴幼儿肠套叠 441 例进行了总结与分析。结果: 发生肠坏死 92 例(20.9% ),复套叠 184 例(41.7% ),伴器质性病变 27 例(6.1% ),结肠注气致肠穿孔8 例(1.8% ); 全部病例均治愈出院。本组病例发生肠套叠结肠注气整复失败的主要原因是复套叠、肠坏死、就诊时间过晚、器质性病变及整复过程中出现肠穿孔。因而早期诊断是治疗成功的关键。
To analyze the causes of failure to reduce acute infantile intussusception with gas enema. 441 cases of acute infantile intussusception in our hospital who failed to be reduced with gas enema, and underwent the operative therapy were analyzed. Result: 92 cases (20.9%) were intestinal necrosis, 184 cases (41.7%) double intussusception, 27 cases (6.1%) organic pathological changes and 8 cases (1.8%) intestinal perforation caused by gas enema reduction. All the cases had a successful recovery after surgery. Conclusion: The main causes of failure to reduction with gas enema were as follows: ①double intussusception, ②intestinal necrosis, ③late for visiting a doctor, ④organic pathological changes, ⑤perforation (in the process of gas enema reduction). The importance of early diagnosis is emphasized.
Chinese Journal of Bases and Clinics In General Surgery