目的 介绍新型单侧骨外固定器的设计与应用。方法 根据力学观点设计,采用铝合金和不锈钢制作,并进行力学测试和临床应用。结果 各种力学性能测试达到临床使用要求;临床应用86 例,随访82 例,全部愈合。结论 新型单侧骨外固定器可治疗各种长骨和股骨颈部骨折,能方便准确地对骨折端进行复位固定。固定牢靠,对骨折端有加压和延长作用,术后调整容易,便于应用。
Objective To introduce the design of a new type of external fixator and clinical application. Methods The fixator was designed according to biomechanics and made of aluminum and stainless steel, and tested mechanically and used clinically. Results The results of biomechanical test showed that the fixator could meet clinical needs. 86 cases were reported and 82 cases followed up, who were united within standard limits. Conclusion This new apparatus can be used to treat any fracture of long bones and femoral neck,and it can accurately and easily conduct reduction and fixation. Fixation is reliable. Bones can be lengthened or compressed. It is adjusted easily after operation and can be used conveniently.
Journal of Clinical Orthopaedics