
抗草甘膦转基因大豆对根际和非根际土壤酶活性的影响 被引量:9

Effects of Genetic Modified Glyphosate Resistant Soybean on Soil Enzymes Activities in Rhizosphere and Non-rhizosphere
摘要 以抗草甘膦转基因大豆AZ04及其受体亲本非转基因大豆A04为材料,研究抗草甘膦转基因大豆对根际与非根际土壤酶活性的影响,为抗除草剂转基因大豆对土壤生态系统及安全性评价提供理论依据。研究结果表明,抗草甘膦转基因与受体亲本非转基因大豆根际与非根际土壤酶活性变化趋势相似,并且根际土壤酶活性均高于同一时期非根际土壤酶活性。转基因大豆与其受体亲本非转基因大豆根际和非根际土壤中,土壤脲酶活性随时间增长而逐渐增加,大豆出苗后整个生育期大多数时间内转基因大豆根际土壤脲酶活性极显著高于非转基因大豆。转基因、非转基因大豆根际和非根际土壤中的过氧化物酶呈现先增长后波动的趋势,蛋白酶和多酚氧化酶呈现先增加后降低的趋势。相关性分析表明转基因大豆对根际及非根际土壤酶活性具有一定的影响。 Effects of Roundup Ready soybean AZ04 and its receptor parent traditional soybean A04 on soil enzyme activities were studied which provided theoretical basis for soil ecosystem and safety assessment of herbicide-resistant transgenic soybean.The results showed that rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soil enzyme activities were similar between Roundup Ready soybean and its receptor parent traditional soybean,and the enzyme activities in rhizosphere soil were higher than them in non-rhizosphere soil in the same period.With the time increased,soil urease activity increased in rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soil of Roundup Ready soybean and its receptor parent traditional soybean.At most of the growth period,urease activity of Roundup Ready soybean was significantly higher than its receptor parent traditional soybean.Peroxidase in Roundup Ready soybean and its receptor parent traditional soybean rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soil increased at first and then fluctuated,and protease,polyphenol oxidase increased firstly and then decreased.Correlation analysis showed that Roundup Ready soybean had impact on rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soil enzyme activities.
出处 《作物杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第1期45-49,共5页 Crops
基金 转基因生物新品种培育重大专项课题(2008ZX08004-001)资助
关键词 转基因大豆 过氧化物酶 脲酶 蛋白酶 多酚氧化酶 Transgenic soybean Peroxidase Urease Protease Polyphenol oxidase
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