
MANET中有利于信道重用的按需信道分配和路由协议 被引量:1

Channel assignment scheme and routing protocol with channel reuse in multi-channel mobile Ad Hoc network
摘要 从信道重用的角度出发,设计出一种简单而有效的按需固定信道分配机制和路由的协议(CA-AODV-R)。该协议将信道分配放到路由层进行,通过在路由发现时的RREQ和RREP中携带信道信息来分配固定信道,避免了MAC层动态信道分配协议(如DCA等)需要频繁地调用信道分配算法的问题。CA-AODV-R使用的固定信道分配算法为把数据信道按编号从小到大排列后按每3个划分为一个小组,同一条路由发现路径上的后继节点分配固定信道时优先在其前驱节点的固定信道所在小组内选择空闲信道。仿真结果表明,CA-AODV-R协议相对于单信道AODV能够大幅度提高网络吞吐量和分组投递率并降低网络的端到端时延。 From the angle of channel reuse,a simple and effective on-demand fixed channel assignment scheme and routing protocol(CA-AODV-R) was proposed,which combined channel assignment with the classical AODV routing.By carrying channel information in RREQ and RREP/HELLO,this protocol could avoid frequently calling channel allocation algorithm and did not require modifications to IEEE 802.11.A new fixed channel assignment algorithm that divided every three data channels into a group was also proposed.The simulation results show that compared to the single-channel AODV protocol,CA-AODV-R protocol can enhance network throughput and packet delivery rate,and reduce the end-to-end delay of the network.
出处 《计算机应用》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期328-331,共4页 journal of Computer Applications
基金 广东省教育部产学研结合基金资助项目(2010B090400164) 广东省自然科学基金资助项目(7005946)
关键词 自组网络 多信道 信道分配 信道重用 路由协议 Ad Hoc network multi-channel channel assignment channel reuse routing protocol
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