目的:探讨SEO 序列T2 WI 上脑脊液信号反常增高的意义。材料和方法:我们回顾分析了1225 例作椎管MR 检查的病人,使用ASM - 060 超导MR 成像系统,全部病例均采用SEO 序列,重点观察矢状面T2 WI 上蛛网膜下腔的信号改变。结果: 大部分病例T2 WI 上蛛网膜下腔呈低信号, 有52 例病变下方的蛛网膜下腔信号由低变高。结论:SEO 序列T2 WI 上脑脊液信号的反常增高意味着脑脊液循环的梗阻, 提示有椎管内占位病变或椎管狭窄的存在。
Purpose:To evaluate the sense of abnormal high signal intensity of cerebrospinal fluid on T2 weighted imaging of SEO pulse sequence. Materials and methods: We retrospectively analysed 1225 cases conducted with spinal canal MRI examination. All patients were examined with SEO pulse sequence by a ASM-060 superconductive MR system.We put emphasis on the signal of subarachnoid space on sagittal plane T2-WI. Results: The signal of subarachnoid space on T2 weighted imaging were low in most of the patients. The signals became abnormal high in 52 cases. Conclusion:Abnormal high signal intensity of cerebrospinal fluid on T2-WI of SEO pulse sequence means obstruction of cerebrospinal fluid circulation and may suggest presence of intraspinal space occupied lesion or spinal canal stenosis.
Chinese Computed Medical Imaging