
雌性Akt2基因缺失小鼠生殖表型研究 被引量:2

Female Akt2 Knockout Mice Reproductive
摘要 通过对雌性Akt2基因敲除纯合子小鼠(Akt2(-/-))及野生型小鼠(Akt2(+/+))基础指标、大体形态学指标、血清糖脂水平和性激素水平等方面的评估,探讨Akt2基因缺失对糖脂代谢和卵巢功能影响。雌性Akt2(+/+)及Akt2(-/-)小鼠各16只,行口服糖耐量(OGTT)实验(2mg/kg),阴道涂片监测动情周期,于动情间期进行动力学实验,将纯合子和野生型小鼠分别随机分为空白组和刺激组2组,刺激组予HMG(人绝经期尿促性激素)(0.5IU/g)刺激2h,空白组予等体积的生理盐水刺激2h,检测各组小鼠体重、体内脂肪重量、血脂、空腹胰岛素水平和生殖激素水平,卵巢常规病理检测各组小鼠卵巢形态学变化。结果发现,同野生型小鼠相比,纯合子小鼠动情周期显著延长(P<0.05),随机血糖、0h血糖、2h血糖、空腹胰岛素水平和HOMA指数均显著升高(P<0.05),而血清甘油三酯(TG)水平则显著降低(P<0.05);性激素检测发现纯合子小鼠血清17羟孕酮(17-OHP)、雌二醇(E2)、△17-OHP、△E2均显著升高。综上,本文认为Akt2基因不仅可以影响机体糖脂代谢,同时也影响卵巢功能,说明胰岛素调节糖代谢的关键信号分子对卵巢生殖功能同样具有重要的调节作用。 If the rat model of diabetes-Akt2 gene knockout mice is homozygous(Akt2(-/-)) for ovarian function and fertility,then it would be proved that Akt2 gene could affect ovary function and glucose and lipid metabolism.In the experiment,heterozygote(Akt2(+/-)) of male and female mice is cross-breeding for 60 days,then weanling offspring have been given gene identification in order to select the wild-type(Akt2(+/+)) and homozygous(Akt2(-/-)) mice for breeding.As the son of second generation female,subjects are that observe body and fat weight,the estrous cycle,glucose,hormone changes,ovary,and ovary morphological changes.The results show that:(1) homozygous weight and body fat weight of the mice are compared with that of wild type,but no difference in statistics;(2) Akt2(-/-) decline in fertility(P0.05),the estrous cycle(P0.05) is extended,the existence of abnormal ovarian function is promoted.(3) 0h and 2h,random blood glucose,fasting insulin and HOMA index,and homozygote are higher than that of wild-type(P0.05);(4) Akt2(-/-) serum 17-hydroxy progesterone(17-OHP),estradiol(E2),17-OHP,E2 are increased;(5) for the lipid levels,,basic group of high-density lipoprotein(HDL),triglyeride(TG)(P0.05) in homozygote are lower than that of wild-type.In conclusion,Akt2 gene can affect glucose metabolism and ovarian function,insulin which is a key signaling molecule regulation of glucose metabolism plays an important role in ovarian function.
出处 《科技导报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第2期65-69,共5页 Science & Technology Review
基金 国家中医药管理局2008年度中医药行业科研专项(200807021) 国家"十一五"科技支撑计划(2007BAI20B015) 黑龙江省杰出青年基金项目(JC200804)
关键词 Akt2基因敲除小鼠 动物模型 卵巢 生殖 多囊卵巢综合征 Akt2 knockout mice animal model ovary reproduction PCOS
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