目的测定大肠埃希菌临床分离株Afa/Dr家族黏附素的携带率。方法用PCR法扩增afa/draC基因片段。用SPSS 13.0统计分析软件分析不同部位来源的大肠埃希菌Afa/Dr家族黏附素携带率情况。结果在分离的600株大肠埃希菌中,Afa/Dr家族黏附素总的携带率为67.0%;分离自泌尿道、消化道、呼吸道及其他部位的大肠埃希菌Afa/Dr家族黏附素携带率分别为71.3%、69.6%、59.1%和46.6%;统计学分析显示:泌尿道和消化道来源的大肠埃希菌Afa/Dr家族黏附素携带率高于其他部位来源的大肠埃希菌。结论本研究结果提示Afa/Dr家族黏附素可能与大肠埃希菌所致泌尿道感染、急性腹泻及呼吸道感染相关。
Objective To determine the prevalence of Afa/Dr family adhesins in F. coil Methods PCR was used to amplify the afa/draC gene fragment. SPSS 13.0 software was used to analyze the data and calculate the prevalence of Afa/Dr family ad hesins in E. coli isolates. Results The overall prevalence of Afa/Dr family adhesins was 67. 0% in all the 600 E. coli strains. The prevalence of Afa/Dr family adhesins was 71.3G, 69.6%, 59. 1 % and 46.6% in the E. coli strains isolated from urinary tract, digestive tract, respiratory tract and other sites, respectively. Statistical analysis revealed that the prevalence in the E. coli isolates from urinary tract and digestive tract was higher than the strains isolated from other sites. Conclusions Afa/Dr family adhesins may be associated with the urinary tract infections, acute diarrhea and respiratory tract infections caused by E. coli.
Chinese Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy