家禽对禽流感疫苗免疫效果的研究多有报道,但现有的禽流感疫苗对野生禽类的有效性尚所知甚少。本文以白冠长尾雉、蓝鹇、红腹锦鸡、白腹锦鸡4组野生雉鸡类为研究对象,以家鸡为对照,进行禽流感H5N1亚型疫苗免疫。利用血凝(HA)及血凝抑制(HI)实验,分别在首免日、免后10 d、20 d、40 d、60 d、90 d及120 d监测禽类免疫后抗体水平变化。结果显示,4组野生雉鸡类均在疫苗接种后产生禽流感抗体,且达到具保护力的抗体水平。通过免疫后抗体水平的跟踪研究,证明商品化禽流感疫苗对野生雉鸡类动物有效。
The immune efficacy of the avian flu vaccine for poultry has been widely studied.However,little is known of the efficacy of avian flu vaccine in wild birds.In this work,four groups of wild birds including Syrmaticus reevesii,Chrysolophus amherstiae, Chrysolophus pictus and Lophura swinhoii were selected for immunization using H5N1 vaccine.By the tests of HA and HI,surveillance of antibody levels was performed at 1,10,20,40,60,90,and 120 days intervals after inoculability.All four groups of wild birds developed antibodies after immunization with H5N1,and the level was enough to induce resistance to antigens. We concluded that avian flu vaccine for poultry was also effective for wild birds.