目的探讨抗生素药物头孢唑酮在表面活性剂体系中的释放机制。方法测定了头孢唑酮在表面活性剂体系中的释放曲线,用数学模型对药物的释放曲线进行拟合。结果头孢唑酮在Triton X-100体系的释放为非菲克扩散控制过程。结论为表面活性剂体系中药物控制释放的深入研究提供了科学依据。
OBJECTIVE To investigate the controlled release mechanism of antibiotics Cephanone in the surfactant system. METHODS The releasing curve of Cephanone in the surfactant were determined, and fitted the curve with mathematical models. RESULTS The process of Cephanone release in the Triton X-100 system was Controlled by non-fickian diffusions.CONCLUSION The scientific basis for future researches in drug controlled release in the surfactant system was provided.
Strait Pharmaceutical Journal