采用溶胶-凝胶法制备Ti O2纳米管前驱体,用NaOH溶液对前驱体进行碱水热处理制备Ti O2纳米管,并用XRD、TEM等方法对产品进行了表征.以Ti O2纳米管作为催化剂,进行了不同条件下紫外光降解罗丹明B的研究.结果表明:合成的Ti O2纳米管具有明显的纳米管状结构特征,其外径为15~20 nm,壁厚约为1 nm,管长100~200 nm,生长良好.Ti O2纳米管对罗丹明B(RhB)有较好的降解作用.在20 g/L的罗丹明B溶液中加入2 g/L Ti O2纳米管,0.1 g/L H2O2,溶液pH为2.5时,光降解4 h,降解效率能到达89.65%.
TiO2 nanotubes precursor were prepared by the sol-gel process, then TiO2 nanotubes were prepared through precursor in hot NaOH alkaline solution. The TiO2 nanotubes were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The performance of UV-light degradation of Rhodamine B was studied by TiO2 nanotubes as catalyst. The results show that the product of TiOz nanotubes have obvious characteristics of nano-tube with diameter 15--20 nm, wall thickness about 1 nm, tube length 100- 200 nm, and grow well. TiOz nanotubes have a good degradation performance on Rhodamine B, in 20 g/L Rhodamine B solution by adding 2 g/L TiOz nanotubes, 0. 1 g/L H2O2, with pH of solutions 2.5, the degradation efficiency can reach 89.65% in 4h.
Journal of Wuhan Institute of Technology