建立了用气相色谱法测定麝香酮血药浓 度和脑药 浓度的方法。 S E- 54 石英毛 细管柱 (0 .25 m m ×30 m ) , F I D 检测器, 以高纯氮为载气, 异补骨脂素为内标, 进行定量测 定。 最低检测限为 0 .5 ng , 麝香酮血药浓度在 70 ng/ m L~4480 ng/ m L 范围内线性关系良好 (r = 0 .9999) , 脑药浓度在 70 ng/g ~4480 ng/g 范围内线性关系良好 (r = 0 .9997) , 回收率 ( R S D) 血浆中为88 % , 脑组织中为 80 % 。该法重现性好, 特异性强。
The method for the separation quantitative determination of muscone in plasma and brain (using isopsoralen as the internal standard)by gas chromatography was established.3% SE-54 capillary column in conjunction with FID was used as the detector and high purity N 2 as the carrier gas.The minimum detectable quantity of muscone was 0.5ng.The linear range of muscone was at 70 ng/mL~4480 ng/mL in plasma(r= 0.9999) and 70 ng/g~4480 ng/g in brain(r= 0.9997). The average recovery rate was 88% in plasma and 80% in brain.This method has a high reproducibility and specifity.
Traditional Chinese Drug Research and Clinical Pharmacology