
超声加工韧性材料的材料去除率模型 被引量:5

Material Removal Rate Model of Ductile Materials in Ultrasonic Machining
摘要 超声加工是现代超声技术的重要组成部分,在不同类型材料的加工领域都有着广泛的应用。由于在超声加工中脆性材料和韧性材料的材料去除机理完全不同,因此有必要建立韧性材料的材料去除率的数学模型。本文基于接触力学的理论建立了一个新的超声加工韧性材料的材料去除率模型。通过与引用的实验结果进行比较,发现该模型的理论预测值与实验结果十分吻合。该研究为超声加工韧性材料提供了理论依据,并为进一步的研究和实践提供了参考。 Ultrasonic Machining(USM) is an important branch of modern ultrasonic technology, which has broad applications in machining of different types of materials. As the material removal mechanism of brittle and ductile material is completely different, so it is very critical and important to develop a mathematical model for ductile materials in USM. In this paper, base on the theory of Contact Mechanics, a novel material removal rate (MMR) model of machining ductile materials is proposed. It is found that the MMR predicted by the model is in good agreement with the cited experimental results. The research provides a theoretical basis of machining ductile material in USM, and it is also helpful for further study and practice.
机构地区 苏州大学
出处 《工具技术》 2011年第1期25-28,共4页 Tool Engineering
关键词 超声加工 韧性材料 材料去除率 数学模型 USM ductile material material removal rate mathematical model
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