为了探讨微量组织核酸的更快速、简便、有效的提取方法,采用改良裂解法提取25 例微量胃粘膜组织标本的核酸,同时与经典的饱和酚抽提法和简便的消化煮沸法进行比较( 各25 例) ,用1 % 琼脂糖电泳观察结果,并用分光光度法检测提取核酸的量。结果显示该法的提取纯度接近酚抽提法,所获核酸的量较多,而所需的时间最短;由于该法的裂解液中含有 R N A 酶抑制剂,所以除了可以提取 D N A,还可以获得一定量的 R N A,用于反转录 P C R,对微量组织的 R N A 提取提供了一种有效而实用的方法。
In order to probe into the method of the more rapid,simple and effective extraction of nuclic acids from minimal tissue ,the nuclic acids of 25 samples from gastric mucosa were extracted by improved splitting method.We compared it with the phenol extraction method and the digesting boiling method (25 cases each group).The obtained nuclic acids were detected by 1% agarose electrophoresis and were quantified by ultraviolet spectrophotometrin method.The results showed that the nuclic acids'purity extracted by the improved splitting method was similar with the results of the phenol extraction method and their quantity was more,the required time was the shortest.The improved splitting method can not only be used to extract DNA but aslo to RNA,owing to including Rnase inhibitor in the splitting solution,so the obtained RNA by the method may be used to RT PCR.Conclusion:the improved splitting method is an effective and practical method for the extraction of DNA and RNA from minimal tissues.
nuclic acids
minimal tissue