
临界区热处理奥氏体化温度对含钒双相钢组织与性能的影响 被引量:1

Effect of Critical Region Heat Treatment Austenitizing Temperature on Microstructure and Properties of Vanadium Dual Phase Steel
摘要 分析了含钒双相钢中钒的存在状态,测定了其静态CCT曲线,并研究了临界区热处理奥氏体化温度对该钢组织与性能的影响。结果表明:在其他工艺条件相同的情况下,随临界区奥氏体化温度的升高,其马氏体转变的临界冷速增加,热处理后该钢的强度降低;奥氏体化温度从780℃提升到800℃时,马氏体转变的临界冷速增加了5℃·s^(-1),奥氏体化温度780℃热处理后该钢的抗拉强度比820℃的高95MPa;该钢中的钒主要以析出物和在马氏体中以固溶态两种状态存在,钒在钢中起到析出强化、细化晶粒和提高淬进性的作用。 Vanadium existential state in the vanadium dual phase steel was analyzed,and its static CCT curve was tested,then the effect of critical region heat treatment austenitizing temperature on microstructure and properties of the steel was studied.The results show that the martensite transformation critical cooling speed increased and the strength reduced with the increase of the critical region austenitizing temperature under the same other process parameters.Martensite transformation critical cooling speed rose up 5℃·s^(-1) when the austenitizing temperature increased from 780℃ to 800℃,the tensile strength reduced down 95 MPa from 780℃ to 820℃. Vanadium in the dual phase steel had two kinds of states,one was precipitate,another was solute in martensite,the main roles of vanadium in the steel were precipitation strength,refining grains and rising hardenability.
出处 《机械工程材料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第12期1-4,12,共5页 Materials For Mechanical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(50804005)
关键词 双相钢 临界区 奥氏体化温度 dual phase steel critical region austenitizing temperature vanadium
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