
外来害虫双钩巢粉虱在海南的发生及温度对其发育的影响 被引量:7

Occurrence of an alien insect pest,Paraleyrodes pseudonaranjae in Hainan Province and the effect of temperature on its development
摘要 双钩巢粉虱Paraleyrodes pseudonaranjae Martin是近年来在我国南方新发现的一种外来害虫。本文对双钩巢粉虱在海南的发生情况进行了调查,并对各虫态形态特征及温度对其生长发育的影响进行了观察。结果表明,双钩巢粉虱在海南省的各个县(市)都有发现,其在海南省的寄主植物共有20科29属37种,主要为害椰子、槟榔、番石榴、柑桔及番荔枝。双钩巢粉虱的发育经卵、若虫(分4个龄期)发育到成虫。在18~27℃条件下,双钩巢粉虱世代发育随温度的上升而加快,在27℃时最短,为16.38 d,18℃最长,需37.41 d,在30℃发育减缓,各虫态发育速率与温度呈抛物线关系。双钩巢粉虱世代的发育起点温度和有效积温分别为9.56℃和307.75日.度,在海南一年可发生16~17代。 The nesting whitefly,Paraleyrodes pseudonaranjae Martin,is a new alien pest on Hainan Island,China.The host plants and damage caused by this pest were investigated and the morphology and effect of temperature on its development studied.The results show that P.pseudonaranjae is distributed over the whole island.37 species of host plants belonging to 20 families and 29 genera were identified;preferred hosts included Cocos nucifera,Areca catecthu,Annona squamosa,Citrus sp.and Psidium guajava.P.pseudonaranjae has three stages of development;eggs,nymphs(four instars) and adults.Between 18℃ and 27℃ the developmental duration of a generation increased with temperature;the shortest(16.38 d) and longest(37.41 d) duration occurring at 27℃ and 18℃ respectively.The developmental velocity of different stages reduced at 30℃.There was a parabolic curve regression relationship between the developmental velocities of different stages and temperature.The developmental threshold and the effective accumulative temperature for a whole generation were estimated to be 9.56℃ and 307.75 degree-days,respectively.We estimate that there could be 16 to 17 generations of this pest per year on Hainan Island.
出处 《昆虫知识》 CSCD 北大核心 2010年第6期1134-1140,共7页 Entomological Knowledge
基金 社会公益研究专项"热带作物重要外来有害生物预警技术研究"(2004DIA4J012) 2008年公益性行业(农业)科研专项(200803023)
关键词 双钩巢粉虱 寄主 形态特征 发育历期 发育起点温度 有效积温 Paraleyrodes pseudonaranjae host plants morphology developmental duration developmental threshold effective accumulative temperature
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