

The correlation between the tracheal angle enlargement with left atrial enlargement
摘要 目的探讨气管分叉角及左主支气管夹角扩大与左心房增大的关系。方法收集150例经彩超检查左心房前后径≥4.0cm病人的DR心脏正位片,测量其气管分叉角及左主气管(与体轴)夹角大小;分别计算气管分叉角及左主气管夹角与彩超测量的左心房前后径之间的相关系数并分析它们之间的关系;150例病人全部接受PHILIPS DR设备常规摄标准胸部正位片,其中46例加拍吞钡侧位片;全部病人接受PHILIPS彩超设备进行心脏检查并测量左心房前后径。结果气管分叉角及左主气管夹角与左心房前后径之间的相关系数分别为0.53及0.42。150例左心房≥4.0CM的病人中气管分叉角及左主气管(与体轴)夹角增大分别为130例和124例,准确率达86.6%和82.6%。结论气管分叉角及左主气管(与体轴)夹角扩大对判断左心房增大有一定的价值。 Purpose To explore the correlation of augmented angle of tracheal bifurcation and left main bronchus with left atrial enlargement. Methods One hundred and fifty cases whose anteroposterior diameter of left atrium ≥ 4.0CM which is measured by color Doppler ultrasound and take the heart DR anteroposterior film, then measure the angle of tracheal bifurcation and left main bronchus. Calculate the correlation coefficient between the angle of tracheal bifurcation and left main bronchus and the left atrium anteroposterior diameter measured by color Doppler ultrasonic .All 150 patients receive the standard CXR of PHILIPS DR system,and among them ,46 patients receive lateral view of barium sveallow;all patients receive heart examination by PH1LIPS ultrasonic system , and measure loit atrium anteroposterior diameter. Results The correlation coefficient between the angle of the tracheal bifurcation and left main bronchus and the left atrium anteroposterior diameter are 0.53,0.42 respectively There are increased angle of tracheal bifurcation in 130 patients and have increased the angle of left main bronchus(between body axis) in 124 patients, the accuracy are 86.6% and 82.6% respectively. Conclusion To measure the angle of tracheal bifurcation and angle of left main bronchus(between body axis) may help to evaluate the enlargement of left atrium.
出处 《上海医学影像》 2010年第4期304-306,共3页 Shanghai Medical Imaging
关键词 气管分叉角 左心房 数字化 胸片 Angle of tracheal bifurcation Left atrium Digitalization Chest radiolograhpy
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