
脑红蛋白在视网膜中的研究现状 被引量:1

The study status of the neuroglobin in retina
摘要 脑红蛋白(Ngb)是最近发现于哺乳动物大脑中的一类携氧球蛋白,在视网膜组织中脑红蛋白有比其他部位更高程度的表达,虽然视网膜的耗氧量大于脑,但视网膜对缺血缺氧的忍受时间却远远大于同样情况下大脑所能忍受的时间。同其他中枢神经元一样,脑红蛋白在视网膜上的表达升高也与缺氧有关,提示Ngb在视网膜氧的摄取和利用过程中起着重要作用。 Neuroglobin( Ngb) is a recently identified globin molecule with oxygen binding properties that is expressed predominantly in the vertebrate brain. Ngb is highest concentrations found in the retina . Oxygen consumption in retina was larger than that in the brain,but in the same circumstances the retinal toleration to ischemia is very better than the brain’s.As in other central neurons,in the retina Ngb is expressed step-up in ischemia stress,which suggest that Ngb has very important function in the process of the oxygen intake and utilization in the retina.
出处 《临床眼科杂志》 2010年第6期573-575,共3页 Journal of Clinical Ophthalmology
关键词 脑红蛋白 中枢神经元 视网膜 氧利用 Neuroglobin Central neuron Retina Oxygen utilization
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