Competitive Cognitive Trait Anxiety (CCTA) Inventory (CCTAI: Ye Ping, 1993) with six subscales was administered to 406 students in the physical education department of an university in Japan. TheANOVA of gender×events× physical performance level showed the following significant differences: 1 )Thescores of males on CCTAI subscales in respect of game preparation, failure, opponent's actual strength andinjury were lower than those of females. 2) The scores of the team event players on the subscales in respect ofgame preparation and failure were lower than the scores of individual event players. 3) The scores of athleteswith higher physical performance level on CCTAI subscales in respect of failure and social evaluation werelower 'than those of athletes with lower physical performance level. These findings indicated that previousfindings of competitive cognitive trait anxiety differences in gender, events, and physical performance levelwere suitable to CCTA.
Journal of Beijing Sport University