It is well-known that intensional logics based on possible worlds semantics are too coarse-grained to characterize meanings,which causes the so-called 'hyperintensional problem'. To solve the problem,a lot of hyperintensional logics have been proposed,among which Suszko's sentential calculus with identity connective(SCI) is a fundamental one.This paper is a refinement of SCI motivated by the contextual synonymy thesis(CST),arguing that the standard of synonymy is context-dependent.We give an argument of CST using the popular theory of epistemical contextualism.Then we provide a Hilbert-style axiomatization of CST, by modifying Suszko's binary connective to a ternary construction representing that two statements express the same proposition with respect to a given context.We prove the soundness and completeness of the logic with respect to a class of algebraic models,where the universe consists of propositions and is supplied with a group of congruence relations on it modeling the contextual propositional identity.We also show how the logic can be applied to give a partial solution to the paradox of analysis,which has baffled logicians for a long time.Compared to our previous work[17],the formal language given in this paper is richer so that the relation between different contexts as well as the the relation of synonymy between them can be expressed.
Studies in Logic
supported by the National Social Science Foundation of China(grant number 09CZX031)