利用 MOCVD工艺可制备得到锐钛矿型TiO2薄膜,在其上溅射金属 Pt并控制工艺流程的温度,Pt/TiO2间将形成良好的金半整流接触.该Pt/TiO2肖特基二极管在常温下表现出良好的气敏特性,响应时间短,对稳定环境中低分压气体浓度的变化反应灵敏.同时,该 Pt/TiO2肖特基二极管还对约 250-370 nm的紫外光敏感.本文研究了 Pt/TiO2肖特基二极管气敏和光敏特性,分析了敏感机理.
By controlling the process temperature, a Pt/TiO2 Schottky diode is obtained when sputtering Pt on the TiO2 thin film which is deposited by MOCVD. The I - V curve of such a Pt/TiO2 Schottky diode will shift according to the different gas circumstance. The diode exhibits high performance even under the room working temperature, and it is more sensitive to those gases whose partial pressure is relatively low, for instance H2O, H2 CO in the air. This paper describes the gas sensitivity of Pt/TiO2 diode, analyze its mechanism. The role of ultraviolet radiation in impactiong Pt/TiO2 diode I--V characteristics is also discussed.
Chinese Journal of Sensors and Actuators