
高管团队特质、战略变革与企业价值关系的理论研究 被引量:28

Theoretical Study on the Relationship among the Characteristics of Top Management Team,Strategic Change and Firm Value
摘要 全面系统地分析了高管团队特质影响战略变革与企业价值关系的理论基础和内在机制,其中理论基础包括高阶理论、代理理论和综合理论;内在机制包括高管团队构成、进程、结构、运作过程及团队成员与任务的融合程度。研究表明,不同的高管团队特质会对企业战略变革及其价值效果形成多种内在作用机制。同时,综合理论既能够考虑高管团队的认知基础和价值观,也兼顾了高管团队在企业治理结构中的位置差异,是理解高管团队特质对战略变革及其企业价值效果作用机制和关系模式的一种理想选择。 The paper comprehensively and systematically analyzes the theoretical foundation and acting mechanisms of the effect the characteristics of top management team have on the relationship between strategic change and firm value.The theoretical foundation includes upper-echelons theory,agency theory and eclectic theory and the acting mechanism includes the compositions,processes,structures,functions and the match between members and the task.This research indicates that different characteristics of top management team will produce several acting mechanisms on the corporate strategic change and its value.Meanwhile,the eclectic theory considers both the cognitive basis of top management team and their different positions in corporate governance structure,which will become a ideal choice for understanding the acting mechanisms and relational models among top management team' characteristics,corporate strategic change and firm value.
作者 杨林 芮明杰
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 2010年第12期1785-1791,共7页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(70802016 70602009) 教育部人文社会科学基金资助项目(09YJC630114)
关键词 高管团队特质 战略变革 企业价值 理论基础 内在机制 characteristics of top management team strategic change firm value theoretical foundation acting mechanisms
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